
Today's Short Lesson

Let's think about what we have learned!
Please use complete sentences to explain your answer.

1. What are the regions of Canada we have learned about?
We've learnt Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region, Arctic Coastal Plains and Appalachian Region.
2. Choose one region, and tell me how your life would be like in this region. Use 5-8 sentences.
Great lakes
Five great lakes are both my favourite places to live. I love water, the lakes looks beautiful. We've found some pictures of the region, I think the sunset and the sunrise are magnificent! The brilliant sun shines softly, if this sun can be with me everyday, I would be very energetic. I can go to escarpment for adventuring,glaciations for viewing the ice. The mixed-forest would be my living place. I want to be with nature.
3. Look at your older posts, what vocabulary words have I asked you to translate? List all of them here.
Lake Sturgeon 湖鲟
saint 名 词: 圣.圣人,圣徒 动词:成为圣徒
geese 鹅
vegetation 植被
broad-leaf 阔叶
maple tree 枫树
beech trees 山毛榉
hickory tree 山核桃树
mixed 混合的
oak tree 橡树
spruce tree 云杉树
pine tree 松树
cedar tree 雪松树
humid 湿润
escarpment n.断崖,绝壁
glaciation 冰川
forest 树林丛林
coniferous 针叶
deciduous 落叶
ocean current 海洋水流
plateau 高原
fertile 1. (动植物)多产的,繁殖力强的 2. (土地)肥沃的,富饶的,丰产的
river valley 流域
sedimentary rock 沉淀物所生成的石头
region 1.地区,地带;行政区域 2.领域,范围
geography 地理学; 地形
province 省
mountain 山;山脉
topography 1. 地志;地形图2. 地形;地形学;地形测量
climate 1. 气候 2. 风土;具有某种气候的区域

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