
The Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region Part 3

VEGETATION of the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region(Adapted from your textbook 168-169)

1. What is the word for vegetation in Chinese or Korean. Translate and put it here.

2. There are a lot of broad-leafed forests in this region. What do these forests look like? Find a picture, post it and explain it in 3-5 sentence. What do you see?
This forest is near a lake. Trees are very tall, they are colored in deep green. Not only trees here, but also some grass. I can see the forest in the lake! ^_^

3. What does a broad-leaf look like? Post a picture and explain what you think "broad" means.


broad- big, huge. Broad leaf- leaf that is bigger than usual.

4. There are maple trees in this region. Find a picture of a maple tree. Post it.

5. What is the Chinese or Korean word for maple trees?

6. There are beech trees as well. Find a picture of a beech tree. Post it.

7. What is the Chinese or Korean word for beech trees?

8. There are also Hickory trees in this region. Find a picture of a hickory tree. Post it. 9. What is the Chinese or Korean word for hickory tree?

10. In other places of the region, the vegetation is a mixed forest. It has a mix of both decidous and coniferous trees, such as maple, beech, oak, ash, and birch, along with spruce, fir, pine and cedar. Find a picture of a mixed forest. Post it! Explain what "mixed" means!

11. Find a picture of an oak tree.Find a picture. Post it.
12. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?
oak tree -- 橡树

13. What is a spruce tree. Find a picture. Post it.

14. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?

15. Find a picture of a pine tree. Post it.
16. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?

17. What is a cedar tree? Find a picture. Post it.
18. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?


19. What did you learn from this lesson? Explain in 8-12 sentences.

What kind of trees are there in this region. Mix forest has both decidous and coniferous trees. I know how maple, beech, oak,spruce, pine and cedar looks like. I like this kind of mixed trees, they looks colorful. It is amazing that those trees can live together. This region must have a lot of history, because in these pictures, the trees are tall and thick. Nature is amazing-- So does human. What I want to do is to protect the environment here. So that oneday i go to Canada, I can visit this spot!


20. What is your favorite tree? Why? Explain in 5 -8 sentences.
Spruce tree. Because it is the Christmas tree! I have this tree with white color at home( Of course it is fake tree). I like the triangle shape of this tree. And I enjoy the X'mas, the process of decorating the Christmas tree, it is a warm scene. This tree means alot to me.

1 条评论:

  1. 19/19 Excellent work!


    I am so proud of you for doing the bonus questions!
