
The Interior Plains - Topography

The Plains region is in between the Cordillera and the Great Canadian Shield. It is found in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Sometimes, people make the mistake of calling the Plains the Prairie Provinces or just the Prairies. The term prairie refers to the prairie grasses that grow wild in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The Interior Plains landscape includes much more than just the prairie grasslands.

1. Translate the word "prairie" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.


2.What provinces are in the Interior Plains Region?

Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are in the Interior Plains Region.

3. What does the landscape of the Interior Plains look like? Do a search and post 2 different pictures of this region. Explain what is in each picture in 3-5 sentences EACH. (2 pictures = 6-10 sentences)

This picture might be taken in autumn. The sky is low, The clouds are very like Cotton candy. The corps(is it?)are gold. This is a very beautiful place. This flat plain is wonderful.
This small factory located in The Interior Plains. The little house is really cute- In this plarie, they may owns some cows and animals to feed. Is this a milk factory?
You'll find that this entire region is generally flat in elevation. In fact there are 3 flat levels of elevation and each level is lower as you move to the east. If you can picture 3 steps on stairs that descend, then you sort of get what it looks like. Furthermore, found within these 3 levels of flat elevation , you may find hills, escarpments (cliffs), low mountains, forests, wide river valleys and there are even sand dunes! This area of Canada obviously has a lot to offer Canadians and tourists.
4. Translate the word "elevation", "flat", "level" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

elevation 海拔
flat 平

level 平面

5. How many levels of elevation is in this region?

There are 3 levels of elevation in this region.

6. What happens when you move to the east? What happens to the elevation?

There are 3 flat levels of elevation and each level is lower as you move to the east.

7. Find a picture of a sand dune. Post it here.

The human population tends to be greater in the southern region of the plains, but you'll also notice that town and cities generally are beside a water source like a lake or river. The Plains truly rely upon water, for the region's climate is generally dry. Water not only helps irrigate crops and livestock but it is also a source of transportation for our products, supplies, goods and services. In the past, these water routes were also major fur trading routes. These waterways also act as areas of recreation, tourism, as well, as resources like hydro-electricity for Canadians.

8. Translate the word "population" into Chinese or Korean.


9. What do people live close to in this region? Why do they do that? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

I think this is a very suitable place for people. The water makes this place fertial. The corps are growing well, people who drinking this water are healthy, this also provides a good transportation. Water is always helpful.

10. Why are water routes important to people? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

Water routes are very important part of people's life. We have cars, trains,airplanes in our life,but in a original way of transporting, people never forget water. This is convinient, much easier for sightseeing, very attracting way of tourism. Water can be used for making electricity, this can ensure the people's life in an evironment-protecting way.

11. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences.

I learned about The Interior Plains today. This fertile land has great number of people living, provides people a good environment and a comfortable,relaxing home. The plains are flat, corps are growing beneath the brilliant sunshine very happily. The grasses are protecting this place natural. This is a lovely place for human, also for animals. The prairies exist here as well.

--Information from http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/phillie/InternationalExchange/Canada/Physical%20Regions/Physical_Regions/plains.htm

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  1. A very good entry! I like the way you really put a lot of effort and thought into your answers.

    11/11 Well done!
