There are 4 questions!
The climate of the Appalachian region is affected by two ocean currents.
a. The Labrador Current
b. The Gulf StreamQuestion
b. The Gulf StreamQuestion
1: What is an ocean current? Translate it into Chinese or Korean and explain in 3-5 sentences using your own words.
How do the ocean go, the direction of water. Is it fast or slow ,warm or cold and big or small. Actually, it is used to describe the direction.
Question 2: Find a picture of an ocean current. (It can be any ocean current). Post it!
The Labrador CurrentThe Labrador Current brings cold water from the Arctic and causes the weather to be colder in the winter months.
The Labrador CurrentThe Labrador Current brings cold water from the Arctic and causes the weather to be colder in the winter months.

Question 4: Find a picture of The Gulf Stream. Post it! Explain what you see in the picture.

I 'm not sure is this the stream or not... But i'm certain about there are a lot of fish there! As you see, the sea mew is flying over the water.
These two currents meet and make a very good place for fish to grow!Look at the picture below. Aren't there a lot of fish?

Yes~ The convenient weather attracts many fish !
1. Can you find a picture that has all of the ocean currents in the world?

2. Are there any ocean currents that affect the climate of China?
According to the picture, there aren't any ocean currents affect the climate of China.
4/4 You are doing very well!
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thank you Miss Chan--