1. Watch this video. Write down what did you learn?
Answer these questions in 3-5 complete sentences.
`Winnie the pooh -- This name was given by a small boy.
`The author and artist created the famous story by this story.
`The captain loved the bear very much.
2. Why was this bear given to the London Zoo?
In 1915, Captain Harry Colebourn's had to take part in the war, he couldn't take the bear with him. So he gave his pet black bear to the London zoo, so the zoo would take care of it.
3. When was this bear given?
This bear was given in 1915.
4. Who gave this bear to the zoo?
Captain Harry Colebourn's
5. Why is the name of the bear important?
Because Winnie is the captain's pet,and he loved his hometown Winnipeg.
6. Where is Winnipeg? What province is it in? Post a map to show where it is.
Winnipeg is in Manitoba, Canada.
1. Visit this website.
2. How much was the bear sold for?
The bear was sold for $20 from a hunter.
3. Visit this website
4. Who is Harry? Why is he important to Canada?
Harry is the owner of Winnie,the bear. He was the captain, very important to Canada.
Can you find pictures of these things on the internet? Blog it!
In 1996, the Disney Company commissioned Canada Post to introduce a set of 4 stamps which depict the story of “Winnie-the-Pooh” beginning with the little Canadian Black Bear and Captain Colebourn in White River, then her life at the London Zoo, the meeting of Winnie and Christopher Robin Milne and lastly showing the “Winnie-the-Pooh” character as developed by the Disney Company.
1. Can you find a picture of these stamps?
A bronze statue of Winnie now stands at the London Zoo in her memory. It was unveiled in 1981. Part of the inscription reads “She gave her name to “Winnie-the-Pooh” and A.A. Milne and Ernest Shepard gave “Winnie-the-Pooh” to the rest of the world”. Originally the inscription incorrectly identified her as the mascot of the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry Regiment, but in 1999 a group from Manitoba went to the London Zoo to replace the plaque with one that correctly states the she was the mascot for the 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade.

2. Can you find a picture of this bronze statue?
bronze statue