Let's learn about Geography!
Today we have a very simple lesson on geography!
1a.What is topography? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.
Topography is something that is used to figure out how these land are grown. Maybe draw a map, or test the area. It is more specific than geography.
1b. Translate the word "topography" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
1. 地志;地形图
2. 地形;地形学;地形测量
2. 地形;地形学;地形测量
2. Find a picture to show what topography is. Post it.

3a.What is climate? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.
Climate is very similar to the weather, like it is sunny or windy. Also it is about temperature, and the big environment. Especially it can tell the mood of the place.
b. Translate the word "climate" into Chinese or Korean. Post it.
1. 气候
2. 风土;具有某种气候的区域
3. (某一社会,时代的)风气,趋势;气氛

5a. What is vegetation? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.
Vegetation is plants, the big name of plants. Often used in forests, jungles. It is creature on earth.
5b. Translate the word "vegetation" into Chinese or Korean. Post it.
1. 【植】植被
2. (总称)植物;草木
3. 呆板单调的生活
6. Find a picture to show what vegetation is. Post it.

1. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's topography. Explain what you see in the picture.

2. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's climate. Explain what you see in the picture.

diagram of Beijing' sclimate...
3. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's vegetation. Explain what you what you see in the picture.

Have some free time when you are finished. Oh yeah~ Yahoo~~~
I think the pictures here are very beautiful.But I think she should put some her own words on her blog. So that it will be more real. Maybe she should put more sentences on her blog. Then it will be very perfect.
回复删除1.The picture is beautiful and makes others know more about geography.
回复删除2.The explains of words are multiple.
3.Sometimes there's no more space between the question and the answer...a little tired to read>_<
Just three...please forgive my headache TUT