1. What did you learn about your province that surprised you?
em...their attractions. Like an Iceland festival, that is creative.
2. If you had a chance to visit your province, would you go? Why?
Of course! The chance is really important, if you could give me the chance... I wanna visit the Manitoba University. That looks cool. The big buildings and the huge campus. And those lucky guys who study in this school.
3. What are the most important things someone should know about your province?
Their perfect animals like Polarbears, owls, tigers and special birds. Those animals are hard to see in other places.
4. Put a picture of the provincial flag into your blog. Explain what the flag represents.

5. Put a picture of the provincial flower in to your blog. Tell us 3 facts about the flower.
Manitoba Provincial flower
Prairie Crocus (Anemone patens)
The lavender has been Manitoba flower for almost a hundred years. Children in Manitoba chose it in a vote 1906. It blooms very early in the spring, sometimes even before all the snow has melted.
6. Put a picture of the provincial bird in your blog. Tell us 3 facts about the provincial bird.
The Great Gray Owl lives in whole Canada. Actually most found in Manitoba.
It is the bird of prey and protected by their people.
This is found in the northern forest,1.5 m (5 ft.), is the largest North American owl. Male and female Great Gray Owls look alike, but, as is the case for all birds of prey, the female is larger than the male. Males weigh up to 1.2 kg, females up to 1.8 kg. Bright yellow eyes, a broad, round face and conspicuous white chin patches are key features. At night its low, booming "whoo-whoo-whoo ... "
This is found in the northern forest,1.5 m (5 ft.), is the largest North American owl. Male and female Great Gray Owls look alike, but, as is the case for all birds of prey, the female is larger than the male. Males weigh up to 1.2 kg, females up to 1.8 kg. Bright yellow eyes, a broad, round face and conspicuous white chin patches are key features. At night its low, booming "whoo-whoo-whoo ... "
7. Put a picture that you like the most about your province. Write down why you like this picture
This picture is the sunset(or sunrise) in Manitoba. You can see those winds are colored beautifully. The line of sky and ocean mixed in a soft orange.
It is looking very good!
回复删除I think you are doing well in this class!
Keep up the excellent work!
I think you are very carefully...There's enough information also in the powerpoint.And I like the picture of the
回复删除nighfall in Manitoba.It's really excellent=U=
I love the detail in your questions.
回复删除You are doing an excellent job! I am looking forward to your future blog entries!