
Appalachian Region

Dear All,Here is your next lesson about the Appalachian Region.
In the Appalachian Region, there are many forests.
There are 8 questions!

Question 1: Translate the word "forest" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?


Question 2: Find a picture of a forest. What does it look like? Explain in 3-5 sentences what is in the picture.
There are two kinds of forests in this region. The first one is called "coniferous" and the second one is called "deciduous".

Question 3: Translate the word "coniferous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
Question 4: What is special about a coniferous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.

coniferous forest are found in temperate regions of the world with warm summers and cool winters. In most coniferous forests, there are lots of evergreen coniferous plants. These trees are always green and almost never withered.
--Acording to the wikipedia- the free encyclopedia.
Question 5: Find a picture of a coniferous forest.

Question 6: Translate the word "deciduous" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
Question 7: What is special about a deciduous forest? Use 3-5 sentences.
They can fall their leaves. Not forever green. They may have their new life in spring.
Question 8: Find a picture of a deciduous forest.

Congratulations! You are finished this lesson!


Climate of Appalachian

There are 4 questions!

The climate of the Appalachian region is affected by two ocean currents.

a. The Labrador Current
b. The Gulf StreamQuestion

1: What is an ocean current? Translate it into Chinese or Korean and explain in 3-5 sentences using your own words.

How do the ocean go, the direction of water. Is it fast or slow ,warm or cold and big or small. Actually, it is used to describe the direction.

Question 2: Find a picture of an ocean current. (It can be any ocean current). Post it!
The Labrador CurrentThe Labrador Current brings cold water from the Arctic and causes the weather to be colder in the winter months.
Question 3: Find a picture of The Labrador Current. Post it!   Explain what you see in the picture.The Gulf StreamThe Gulf Stream brings warm water from the Caribbean.
I can see the cold current is running to southern part of Canada. The warm current is running to the north. So maybe the northern part is much colder than the south.

Question 4: Find a picture of The Gulf Stream. Post it! Explain what you see in the picture.

I 'm not sure is this the stream or not... But i'm certain about there are a lot of fish there! As you see, the sea mew is flying over the water.

These two currents meet and make a very good place for fish to grow!Look at the picture below. Aren't there a lot of fish?

Yes~ The convenient weather attracts many fish !


1. Can you find a picture that has all of the ocean currents in the world?

2. Are there any ocean currents that affect the climate of China?

According to the picture, there aren't any ocean currents affect the climate of China.


acrostic poem Appalachian

acrostic poem---Appalachian

A ppalachian plateau is located in eastern part of Canada.

P ictures of Appalachian are perfect!

P rovinces that have those plateau are very lucky.

A variety of vegetation are grown in Appalachian.

L ow mountains are one of the symbol of plateau.

A lot of river running across the Appalachian plateau.

C hina also has this kind of plateau land.

H ow can those sedimentary rock be made?

I want to visit this place one day.

A ppalachian has lots of rocks.

N one of us had been to Appalachian region.


S unny should be a boy's name...

'U no' is a popular game in my class.

N ature is my favourite!

N o more homework is a kind of trouble.

Y ou are a good person if you read all my sentences.

P.S I'm so happy that my name only has 5 letters...


The Appalachian Region - Topography

Let's learn about the topography of the Appalachian Region!
The Appalachian region has a lot of mountains but it also has fertile plateaus and river valleys. There are also many rivers in the region that provide transportation for people.


1. Translate the word "plateau" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

2. Find a picture of the Appalachian plateau. Post it. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

This is the stream of the Appalachian plateau. It is quiet different from the one only with land. Plateau shows a natural style, this stream shows the pretty side of plateau. Not so strong image, but softly impressed.

3. Translate the word "fertile" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

1. (动植物)多产的,繁殖力强的
2. (土地)肥沃的,富饶的,丰产的
3. (创造力或想像力)丰富的

4. Can vegetation grown on a fertile plateau?


5. Translate the word "river valley" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

6. Find a picture of a river valley. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

I see river running across the land. Mountain behind turns blue because of the blue sky. Rivers are running quietly, hard to see ripples. This land is moisted by the beautiful water, that looks great!

There are many deposits of coal, oil and gas that you can find in sedimentary rocks within this region.

7. Find a picture to show the meaning of "sedimentary rock"

8. Translate the word "sedimentary rock"



1. Find out what an ocean current is.

海洋水流 How the water goes in the ocean.

2. What are the two ocean currents that can change the climate of this region. What are their names? (check your book 165)


Appalachian Mountains

Let's learn about Canadian geography!
In Canada there are different geographical regions. These regions are different in topography, climate and vegetation. There are 8 regions you are going to learn about.The first region is the Appalachian Region.

Your job today:
1. Translate these words into Chinese or Korean. Post it.
a. region
1. 地区,地带;行政区域
3. (首都以外的)各地区
4. (大气,海水等的)层
5. (生物地理学的)区
b. geography
地理学; 地形
c. province
d. mountain
2. Post a map of the Appalachian Region in Canada and not in the United States. The region goes into the United States but is only found in some provinces of Canada. (You can search in Google with the search terms "Appalachian Region in Canada".

3. In this region, there are the Appalachian Mountains. Find a picture you like and post it. Using 5-8 sentences, tell me why you like this picture.

I can see the great Appalachian Mountains. They are mountains but not a mountain. I can see the gradation of mountains. With these maple trees, the smelt of fall covers the brilliant nature.

Canada is famous for the maples, so this picture is a symbol of Canada. How beautiful it is!

4. Go to this website http://projects.cbe.ab.ca/ict/2learn/kdwajda/canada/studentwork/appalachian.htm

5. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the climate of the Appalachian region? Use your own words.
1.The Appalachian region of Canada is located in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and the eastern part of Quebec. So it is very big.
2. The climate in Appalachian region is very comfortable. Not too hot and not too cold.
3.There is a variety of vegetation that grows in the Appalachian region.

6. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the topography of the Appalachian region? Use your own words.

It is located in the western part of Canada.

Mountains are low

There are many islands.

7. What are 2-3 facts you can learn about the vegetation of the Appalachian region? Use your own words.

Lots of different vegetation grow in this place.

The forest is called 'mixed forest'.

There are different kinds of maples in the world, in here.

Have some free time when you are finished!



Let's learn about Geography!

Today we have a very simple lesson on geography!

1a.What is topography? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.

Topography is something that is used to figure out how these land are grown. Maybe draw a map, or test the area. It is more specific than geography.

1b. Translate the word "topography" into Chinese or Korean. What is it?
1. 地志;地形图
2. 地形;地形学;地形测量
2. Find a picture to show what topography is. Post it.

3a.What is climate? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.

Climate is very similar to the weather, like it is sunny or windy. Also it is about temperature, and the big environment. Especially it can tell the mood of the place.

b. Translate the word "climate" into Chinese or Korean. Post it.

1. 气候

2. 风土;具有某种气候的区域

3. (某一社会,时代的)风气,趋势;气氛

4. Find a picture to show what climate is. Post it.

5a. What is vegetation? Explain in 3-5 sentences using YOUR OWN WORDS.

Vegetation is plants, the big name of plants. Often used in forests, jungles. It is creature on earth.
5b. Translate the word "vegetation" into Chinese or Korean. Post it.

1. 【植】植被
2. (总称)植物;草木
3. 呆板单调的生活

6. Find a picture to show what vegetation is. Post it.

1. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's topography. Explain what you see in the picture.

2. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's climate. Explain what you see in the picture.

diagram of Beijing' sclimate...

3. Post 1-3 pictures of Beijing's vegetation. Explain what you what you see in the picture.

Have some free time when you are finished. Oh yeah~ Yahoo~~~


Winnie the pooh

1. Watch this video. Write down what did you learn?

Answer these questions in 3-5 complete sentences.
`Winnie the pooh -- This name was given by a small boy.

`The author and artist created the famous story by this story.

`The captain loved the bear very much.

2. Why was this bear given to the London Zoo?
In 1915, Captain Harry Colebourn's had to take part in the war, he couldn't take the bear with him. So he gave his pet black bear to the London zoo, so the zoo would take care of it.
3. When was this bear given?
This bear was given in 1915.

4. Who gave this bear to the zoo?
Captain Harry Colebourn's

5. Why is the name of the bear important?

Because Winnie is the captain's pet,and he loved his hometown Winnipeg.

6. Where is Winnipeg? What province is it in? Post a map to show where it is.
Winnipeg is in Manitoba, Canada.
red part ---Manitoba.

1. Visit this website.
2. How much was the bear sold for?
The bear was sold for $20 from a hunter.

3. Visit this website

4. Who is Harry? Why is he important to Canada?

Harry is the owner of Winnie,the bear. He was the captain, very important to Canada.

Can you find pictures of these things on the internet? Blog it!
In 1996, the Disney Company commissioned Canada Post to introduce a set of 4 stamps which depict the story of “Winnie-the-Pooh” beginning with the little Canadian Black Bear and Captain Colebourn in White River, then her life at the London Zoo, the meeting of Winnie and Christopher Robin Milne and lastly showing the “Winnie-the-Pooh” character as developed by the Disney Company.

1. Can you find a picture of these stamps?

A bronze statue of Winnie now stands at the London Zoo in her memory. It was unveiled in 1981. Part of the inscription reads “She gave her name to “Winnie-the-Pooh” and A.A. Milne and Ernest Shepard gave “Winnie-the-Pooh” to the rest of the world”. Originally the inscription incorrectly identified her as the mascot of the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry Regiment, but in 1999 a group from Manitoba went to the London Zoo to replace the plaque with one that correctly states the she was the mascot for the 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade.

2. Can you find a picture of this bronze statue?

bronze statue


Part B: Provinces and Territories

1. What are the differences between provinces and territories? Name three.

Provinces have more power and government than territories.

Provinces control its own education system.

Provinces have more people than territories.

Territories are managed by Canadian national government.

Territoris is in the northern part of Canada.

Not many people live in territories.

2. When did Canada become a country?
Canada became a country on July 1st, 1867 .

3. Which province was the last province to join Canada?
New foundland was the last province to join Canada.

4. Which province is the largest in Canada?

Quebec is the largest in Canada.

5. Which province is the most powerful?

Ontario is the most powerful province.

6. Which provinces are maritime provinces?

New foundland, Nova Scotia, P.E.I, New Brunswick are maritime provinces.

7. What is the largest industry in the maritime provinces?

New Brunswick is the largest industry in the maritime provinces.

8. Which provinces are the Prairie provinces?

Alberta, Saskatchewan,Manitoba are the Prairie provinces.

9. What can you find in the Prairie provinces?

You find farms in the Prairie provinces.

10. Why is British Columbia called "the gateway to Asia"?

Because it is the western province in Canada. Across the ocean, there is Asia.

...i'm tired of writing in complete sentences...


O Canada

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuGsTTOEfPE

Deborah Cox

O Canada
As soon as the host said 'Ladies and gentlemen', audience soon be quiet. No accompaniment,but Deborah sang it very well.

I searched for her information and i got that she is a Grammy Award nominated Canadian R&B singer-songwriter and actress. Cox's 1998 song "Nobody's Supposed to Be Here" held the record for longest-running number on Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart (14 weeks), a record held for nearly eight years. Cox has achieved nine number-one hits on Billboard's Hot Dance Club Play chart. I really appreciate her.

Those high parts in the O Canada is hard to sing, but she did that perfect! The amazing voice is very harmonious to this sang. And in this vidio the audience keep very quiet and the voice is clear.

20500 Fans Sing O Canada


This was sung by 20500 fans after ther got gold medal. How exticited they are! I can feel they are very love Canada and proud of they country ! This loud vioce is made up of 20500 people who love their country, everybody. People applauded and screamed, the happiness filled over their heart. This vidio made me like Canada more, and i love Canadian!


Answering Bell's Questions

1. What is your favorite part of the powerpoint?
I like those 5star hotels```` heh... Please invite me~

2. Tell me three things you have learned about this province.

1,the provincial flower is Red Lily. (pretty!)
2,the province is between Manitoba and Alberta.
3,the provincial bird is called Sharp-tailed.

3. Post a picture of this province's flag, flower and bird on your blog entry.
provincial flag

provincial flower

provincial bird

4. Post a picture of this province and explain why you like it.

This picture is very beautiful. And the shape fits the Page in PPt. The pink colored sunset is very special. The black buildings looks a kind of classic.
5. How can she improve this powerpoint? Tell her three things.
1. Those pictures are very good, contain is specific. Comparing to mine, she could put more information in it. That will be better.
2. The information about hotels are all 5 stars. So if a poor guy wanna visit (like me)... So she may put different level 's hotel. That will be more convinient for everybody.
3.Those titles and words are clear. But some pictures aren't so clear. Next time, she may choose some bigger picture.
__ Perfect work!!!


Answer these questions ...

1. What did you learn about your province that surprised you?
em...their attractions. Like an Iceland festival, that is creative.

2. If you had a chance to visit your province, would you go? Why?
Of course! The chance is really important, if you could give me the chance... I wanna visit the Manitoba University. That looks cool. The big buildings and the huge campus. And those lucky guys who study in this school.

3. What are the most important things someone should know about your province?
Their perfect animals like Polarbears, owls, tigers and special birds. Those animals are hard to see in other places.

4. Put a picture of the provincial flag into your blog. Explain what the flag represents.
It purpose to preserve the Canadian Red Ensign, one featuring a bright red field and the Union Jack. The rightside shows a buffalo standing on a rock beneath the red cross of St. George.

5. Put a picture of the provincial flower in to your blog. Tell us 3 facts about the flower.
Manitoba Provincial flower
Prairie Crocus (Anemone patens)

The lavender has been Manitoba flower for almost a hundred years. Children in Manitoba chose it in a vote 1906. It blooms very early in the spring, sometimes even before all the snow has melted.

6. Put a picture of the provincial bird in your blog. Tell us 3 facts about the provincial bird.

The Great Gray Owl lives in whole Canada. Actually most found in Manitoba.

It is the bird of prey and protected by their people.
This is found in the northern forest,1.5 m (5 ft.), is the largest North American owl. Male and female Great Gray Owls look alike, but, as is the case for all birds of prey, the female is larger than the male. Males weigh up to 1.2 kg, females up to 1.8 kg. Bright yellow eyes, a broad, round face and conspicuous white chin patches are key features. At night its low, booming "whoo-whoo-whoo ... "

7. Put a picture that you like the most about your province. Write down why you like this picture

This picture is the sunset(or sunrise) in Manitoba. You can see those winds are colored beautifully. The line of sky and ocean mixed in a soft orange.