After learning about the topography of this region, we are going to look at the climate and vegetation of this region.
The climate of the Interior Plains is a continental climate. This means the temperature of this region is affected by this region's location in the heart or center of the continent.
Since this region is in the center of the continent, it is far from the ocean. The ocean helps to keep a moderate climate. Without it, this region has a climate of extremes. It has long, hot summers and cold winters.
1a. Translate ocean into Chinese or Korean.
1b. Which Canadian province is closest to the Pacific Ocean?
British Columbia is the closest to the Pacific Ocean.
1c. Which Canadian provinces is closest to the Atlantic Ocean?
New foundland is the closest to the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Find a picture of the Pacific Ocean you like. Explain why you like it in 3-5 sentences.

This is a Pacific Ocean Image of Oregon Coast. The big rocks are very cool. The shore is thick as you can see. I think this isn't a photograph but a drawn picture. This artist is talented.
3. Find a picture of the Atlantic Ocean you like. Explain why you like 3-5 sentences.

I should say the child is so happy! He is raising his thumb. The water is clean, it is colored in different blue color. Side near the shore is pure,no color;the further side turns deeper and deeper. The mountains are green,or is it an island?
4. Why would the Interior Plains region's climate be affected by the ocean. What does the ocean do for the climate? Explain in 5-8 sentences. Look at your past lesson.
The Interior plains are not affected by the ocean's wet weather. The area is dry.According to the,Summers can be between 10ºC and 30ºC. Winters are cold. January can be between -10ºC and -30ºC. I guess it is because of no ocean. Water can make the temperature different, if there's no water, it will be hotter.
5. What continent is the Interior Plains region on? Explain in 3-5 sentences.It is in North America.
Interior Plains are located in Canada, and Canada is in the North America...So of course it is in North America.
6. Where is the Interior Plains region on this continent? What provinces are in this region?It is in the middle of this continent.

This region contains Alberta,Manitoba and Saskatchewan.(I guess)
7. What did you learn today? Geography of Interior Plains. The continents, the climate,and how it is affected by ocean.
I think the region is very big, and very important in North America. It is a big part in this continent.