
Arctic Region

This is the last region we are going to learn about!

We are going to have a test on Friday on all the regions we have learned!What is the Arctic Region?

The Arctic Region in northern Canada is a combination of lowlands and mountains!

Questions (You have 7 questions in total!)

1. Find a map that shows you the Arctic Region in Canada. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.
This region includes the big area of ocean, Russia, Canada, little bit of USA. It is a big region.

2. Find a picture of the Arctic region you like or don't like. Explain what you see in 5 sentences!
Wildlife ha! How cute is this polarbear~~Though it is yellow(just dirty), it has a black nose(all the polarbear have black noses), it is sleeping like a little sheep. The snow is dirty, nearly melted. I bet this is because of the global warming...

3. The Arctic region's climate has long, cold winters and short, cool summers! There is very little precipitation in this region. What would your life be like if you lived here? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
That means whole year's temperature is lower than other places. The long cold winters are cruel, but I'd love to live in cool summers. This make my life healthier. Food won't turn bad that easily. But i need to put on fire most of the year. That cause a lot of trouble...

4. The Arctic region's vegetation include small shrubs, mosses and lichens.

a. Translate shrub into Chinese or Korean 灌木

b. Translate mosses into Chinese or Korean 苔藓

c. Translate lichens into Chinese or Korean 地衣

5. The Purple Saxifrage is a low-lying plant that grows in the Arctic region. Can you find a picture of this plant?


6. Trees cannot grown on tundra.

a. What is tundra? Translate into Chinese or Korean.

b. Explain what is it in English in 2-3 sentences.
It is a region usually located in higher places. The winter is long, summer is cool. There are lots of strong winds, whole day with sunlight or moonlight. The weather and the time is unusual.

7. Find a picture you like of the Arctic tundra. Post it! Explain what you like about it in 3-5 sentences.

This is amazing! In this picture, there are lots of small lakes on the ground. This makes this place wonderful, just like broken mirrows falling here. And this misty picture is a color of cool and peace.


1.Watch this video to learn more about this region:
Young scientist challenge?A Commercial?

